We run a caring, friendly, sharing support group for anyone affected by cancer. We laugh a lot, cry a little, share experiences and support each other. Refreshments, friendly informal, safe comfortable space to share or listen with other going through similar things. Healing available, no charge but donations gratefully accepted. We have a library for borrowing books and a ready supply of free ICON magazines and Canceractive. We also have collaboration with the Fountain Centre (St. Luke's Cancer Centre). Lovely gardens open to the public daily, a peaceful tranquil atmosphere.
Bluebells coffee mornings are held on the first and third Thursdays of each month from 11am until 1pm ending with a relaxation session.
We offer:
- Befriending
- Bereavement support
- Cancer information materials
- Complementary therapies
- Counselling
- Information
- Telephone helpline
Catchment area:
Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire
Opening times:
Not applicable
Interested in joining us?
Just come along to our next meeting, or get in touch with us on the details below.
Find out more:
- Jean Hill on 07795 150731
- info@burrowslea.org.uk
- www.harryedwardshealingsanctuary.org.uk